Short gay pride quotes and phrases

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Of course, if you want to celebrate Pride by giving out some heartfelt gifts, that’s sure to be appreciated. You can also make it a point to learn about things like pronouns, and how to support a loved one when they come out. Many of these LGBTQ+ quotes would also make for great Pride Instagram captions, if you feel like celebrating Pride with a supportive post. You’re sure to feel inspired after giving these a read. Many famous LGBTQ+ people have spoken about their journey to self-acceptance, their families, and their relationships.

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These quotes cover everything from coming out to being yourself, and so much more. You can also reflect on these LGBTQ+ quotes from members of the community and allies. Taking time to educate yourself by reading books by LGBTQ+ authors, listening to LGBTQ+ podcasts, and watching LGBTQ+ movies is one way to celebrate Pride. While Pride is often associated with parades and parties, it’s also important to acknowledge the history of LGBTQ+ people in this country and the challenges they’ve faced in the fight for equality. In case you need a refresher, Pride Month is in June, and it’s a time to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community.

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There are several ways to celebrate Pride Month this year.

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